AI has many different forms and uses that are still evolving to this day. Some of the many types of AI are robots, self- driving cars, google maps, social media, etc. With all these things that we use daily, we dont even realize the AI behind them. There are also a variety of companies that utilize AI from Tesla to Twitter.

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AI is a very useful resource with it's ability to do what humans can not. The algorithmns are used to make fast decisions using the information processed from mutliple sources at once, proving to be far more effecient than anything a human could do in the same amount of time.

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Lastly, the future of AI is very broad and it leads into many new things. With medicine and health care, it will help doctors analyze data and tailor the treatment to the exact needs of the patient. For transportation, not only will there be more self-driving cars, there will be driverless trains and even jets. These are just the tip of the iceberg and there are many other opportunities for AI.

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